Assumed Knowledge
Strong passes in English in Stage 1 are highly recommended, given the language-rich nature of this subject.
Course Description
In English students analyse the interrelationship of author, text, and audience, with an emphasis on how language and stylistic features shape ideas and perspectives in a range of contexts. They consider social, cultural, economic, historical, and/or political perspectives in texts and their representation of human experience and the world.
Students explore how the purpose of a text is achieved through application of text conventions and stylistic choices to position the audience to respond to ideas and perspectives. They have opportunities to reflect on their personal values and those of other people by responding to aesthetic and cultural aspects of texts from the contemporary world, from the past, and from Australian and other cultures.
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
Assumed Knowledge
Strong passes in English in Stage 1 are highly recommended, given the language-rich nature of this subject.
Course Description
In English students analyse the interrelationship of author, text, and audience, with an emphasis on how language and stylistic features shape ideas and perspectives in a range of contexts. They consider social, cultural, economic, historical, and/or political perspectives in texts and their representation of human experience and the world.
Students explore how the purpose of a text is achieved through application of text conventions and stylistic choices to position the audience to respond to ideas and perspectives. They have opportunities to reflect on their personal values and those of other people by responding to aesthetic and cultural aspects of texts from the contemporary world, from the past, and from Australian and other cultures.
- Responding to texts (novel, film, poetry)
- Creating texts (exposition, narrative, free choice)
- Comparative analysis (of two texts)
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
- 30% Responding to texts (two written pieces, one oral)
- 40% Creating texts (three written pieces and a writer’s statement)
- 30% External Assessment: Comparative Analysis (two texts)
Assumed Knowledge
High passes in English in Stage 1 are strongly recommended, given both the language-rich nature of this subject and the focus on analysis, understanding of technique and development of critical argument.
Course Description
Stage 2 English Literary Studies focuses on the skills and strategies of critical thinking needed to interpret texts. Through shared and individual study of texts, students encounter different opinions about texts, have opportunities to exchange and develop ideas, find evidence to support a personal view, learn to construct logical and convincing arguments, and consider a range of critical interpretations of texts. English Literary Studies focuses on ways in which literary texts represent culture and identity, and on the dynamic relationship between authors, texts, audiences, and contexts. Students develop an understanding of the power of language to represent ideas, events, and people in particular ways, and of how texts challenge or support cultural perceptions.
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
Assumed Knowledge
High passes in English in Stage 1 are strongly recommended, given both the language-rich nature of this subject and the focus on analysis, understanding of technique and development of critical argument.
Course Description
Stage 2 English Literary Studies focuses on the skills and strategies of critical thinking needed to interpret texts. Through shared and individual study of texts, students encounter different opinions about texts, have opportunities to exchange and develop ideas, find evidence to support a personal view, learn to construct logical and convincing arguments, and consider a range of critical interpretations of texts. English Literary Studies focuses on ways in which literary texts represent culture and identity, and on the dynamic relationship between authors, texts, audiences, and contexts. Students develop an understanding of the power of language to represent ideas, events, and people in particular ways, and of how texts challenge or support cultural perceptions.
- Responding to texts (prose, film, drama, poetry, short texts)
- Creating texts (transformative text with writer’s statement, e.g. poem to drama script, free choice)
- Comparative text study (one from Shared Studies, the other chosen by the student)
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
- 50% Responding to texts (four tasks)
- 20% Creating texts (two texts)
- 30% External Assessment: Text study (Comparative text study 15%; Critical reading 15%)
Assumed Knowledge
A pass in Stage 1 English.
Course Description
The study of Essential English helps students develop personal and social identity through reading and composing texts. In this subject students respond to and create texts in and for a range of personal, social, cultural, community, and/or workplace contexts. Students understand and interpret information, ideas, and perspectives in texts and consider ways in which language choices are used to create meaning.
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
Assumed Knowledge
A pass in Stage 1 English.
Course Description
The study of Essential English helps students develop personal and social identity through reading and composing texts. In this subject students respond to and create texts in and for a range of personal, social, cultural, community, and/or workplace contexts. Students understand and interpret information, ideas, and perspectives in texts and consider ways in which language choices are used to create meaning.
- Responding to texts (e.g. novel, short story, film media)
- Creating texts
- Language study
Assessment Components
Eight summative tasks over the year.
- 30% Responding to texts (written, multi-modal and or oral responses)
- 40% Creating texts (written, multimodal and or oral pieces)
- 30% External Assessment: Language study